Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Piran peninsula from a different angle

Peik Lean Y.

By the time we got down from the town walls, dusk was fast approaching. We quickly headed towards the car to haul our belongings back to the YHA. It was a long walk out and along the way; we caught the most spectacular sunset. Cecile managed to catch a shot of a boat chugging across the sunset with tree leaves as frame. She insisted her shot was better than mine. Bah! My shot had no leaves to act as a frame! In any case, I had other interesting sunset shots too. :p

We ended a beautiful day (barred getting lost and almost getting robbed) at a wonderful seafood restaurant by the sea; having the most delicious and yummy seafood with red wine to follow. Ahhh … that’s life!

Fact sheet on Piran from
Pretty Piran is a gem of Venetian Gothic architecture with narrow streets, which tend to be a mob scene at the height of summer. Its name derives from pyr - the Greek word for fire - referring to fires lit at Punta, the very tip of the peninsula, to guide ships to the port at Koper. Piran's long history dates back to the ancient Greeks and well-preserved remnants of the medieval town walls still protect it to the east. The Maritime Museum, in a 17th century harbourside palace, has compelling exhibits on seafaring and salt-making, which have been important to Piran's development over the centuries.

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